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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

File list
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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
00:57, 17 July 2008ElliotFisher.jpg (file)64 KBElliot Fisher 1
01:19, 29 July 20087.1 Example2.jpg (file)9 KBElliot Fisher (Riel's heuristic 7.1 example 2.)1
01:19, 29 July 20087.1 Example1.jpg (file)12 KBElliot Fisher (Riel's heuristic 7.1 example 1.)1
02:57, 18 August 20082.1 example1.png (file)2 KBElliot Fisher 3
03:02, 18 August 20082.1 example2.png (file)4 KBElliot Fisher (Riel's heuristic 2.1 example2.)1
05:02, 18 August 20082.2 example.png (file)5 KBElliot Fisher (Riel's heuristic 2.2 example)1
02:05, 20 August 2008Template example.png (file)7 KBElliot Fisher (Example diagram for the Template Method (taken from the Monsters design example).)1
03:01, 20 August 2008Poker Class Diagram.png (file)54 KBElliot Fisher (Elliot's design study class diagram.)1
00:30, 3 September 20085.7 example1.png (file)8 KBElliot Fisher (Riel's heuristic 5.7 example diagram taken from the book.)1
00:37, 3 September 20085.7 example2.png (file)10 KBElliot Fisher (Riel's heuristic 5.7 example diagram 2.)1
03:33, 3 September 2008Poker Class Diamgram 2.png (file)74 KBElliot Fisher 3
02:46, 14 September 2008Flyweight structure.png (file)21 KBElliot Fisher 2
00:37, 15 September 2008Prototype pattern.png (file)5 KBElliot Fisher 3
00:39, 15 September 2008Prototype example.png (file)17 KBElliot Fisher 2
00:40, 15 September 2008Prototype example.PNG (file)17 KBElliot Fisher 1
05:19, 16 September 2008Poker Class Diamgram 3.png (file)80 KBElliot Fisher 1
00:45, 17 September 2008Mediator structure.png (file)8 KBElliot Fisher 1
00:45, 17 September 2008MediatorExample.png (file)9 KBElliot Fisher 1
00:46, 17 September 2008MediatorInteraction.png (file)7 KBElliot Fisher 1
00:03, 19 September 2008AbstractFactoryStructure.png (file)16 KBElliot Fisher (Abstract Factory Structure)1
00:36, 19 September 2008AbstractFactoryExample.png (file)8 KBElliot Fisher 1
01:40, 19 September 2008SingletonStructure.png (file)6 KBElliot Fisher 1
03:07, 23 September 2008Poker Class Diagram 2.png (file)74 KBElliot Fisher 1
03:07, 23 September 2008Poker Class Diagram 3.png (file)80 KBElliot Fisher 1
05:49, 23 September 2008Poker Class Diagram v3.png (file)148 KBElliot Fisher 4
23:58, 30 September 2008PokerGame.png (file)26 KBElliot Fisher 2
23:59, 30 September 2008Poker Class Diagram v4.png (file)308 KBElliot Fisher 2
00:41, 1 October 2008PlayerHand.png (file)81 KBElliot Fisher 1
01:07, 1 October 2008Dealer.png (file)54 KBElliot Fisher 1
02:06, 1 October 2008TablePot.png (file)117 KBElliot Fisher 1
02:50, 1 October 2008TexasHoldem.jpg (file)83 KBElliot Fisher 1
03:36, 1 October 2008Poker Simulator (file)111 KBElliot Fisher 1
23:24, 6 October 2008BuilderStructure.png (file)6 KBElliot Fisher 1
23:51, 6 October 2008BuilderExample.png (file)14 KBElliot Fisher 1
00:26, 7 October 2008AdapterStructureClass.png (file)5 KBElliot Fisher 1
00:26, 7 October 2008AdapterStructureObject.png (file)5 KBElliot Fisher 1
00:26, 7 October 2008AdapterExample.png (file)9 KBElliot Fisher 1
23:18, 7 October 2008MementoStructure.png (file)6 KBElliot Fisher 1

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