Matthew's Design Study

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Revision as of 03:24, 28 July 2009 by Matthew Harward (Talk | contribs)
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For my design study, I am going to be working to improve the design of my COSC460 project. The project is a plug-in for Eclipse designed to provide a tool for visualising software metrics directly onto source code. The plug-in is written in Java and is approximately 5K LOC.


Existing Code Base

This system is my first attempt at developing this system.

Initial development. Please note some of the composition/dependency connections are wrong.
Initial development with functional groupings.

Design Discussion/Overview

In this section I will briefly discuss each of the current components and their roles. Please note that these functional groupings do not directly correspond to existing packages.

  • Plugin:
  • Document Monitor:
  • Editor Listeners:
  • The Model:
  • Display & Editor Manipulation:
  • API:
  • Serialisation:
  • Eclipse View:

Areas of Greatest Concern

  • API: Is the architectural model appropriate? Is the use of the Observer pattern correct here?
  • Model: Are there any possible improvements?
  • String Manipulation: Is there any way to avoid the current String manipulation in Mapping Properties?
  • Display Strategies: Is there any way of simplifying this hierarchy? Are the current methods of instantiation appropriate?

First Design

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