Tanmay's Log

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Log of My Research and Design for the COSC 427 Design Study


19th July

-- Referring to the Book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" 2nd Edition, by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman (1996) .

Event Driven Simulation: In which Actions (Events) trigger further events that happen at a later point in time, which trigger further events and so on.

Objects to be modeled: -- Real Life elementary components:

1) Wires --- Carry binary signals : 0 / 1. They also have to perform some tasks (inform connected components) about change in their value.
2) Digital Function Blocks --- Which are connected between Wires carrying inputs to other wires - outputs. These need to listen for changes in the state of wires connecting these blocks. A change in the state of 1 wire might trickle down to changes in the neighboring wires based on the output of these function blocks.
3) Operations Queue --- to help model the time delay of performing various tasks during the simulation.
4) Probe --- To trigger on change in value and print value on screen

(2 Hours)

25th July

[2 Hours] Read further about Simulators, Digital Logic Blocks

26th July

[3 Hours] Read up about Test Driven Development, JUnit and Software Refactoring from the Library books on these topics

1 August

[5 hours] Updated the Design Study page. Finally added some small circuit and block diagram on the page. Thought about Modelling Components and Wires.

2 August

[1 Hour] Quickly generated a UML design for the first step

4 August

[30 Mins] Updated the wiki with some information and added the UML document]