Jenny Harlow

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Redesigning [part of] the Java Collections Framework


This project will attempt to redesign part of the Java Collections Framework from the point of view of 'if we were starting again, what might we do'. The whole framework is huge, and includes many specialised features such as the java.util.concurrent classes. This project will focus on what we might consider to be the main everyday usage collections - the ones that come into almost everything we might want to write: lists, sets, maps.


In COSC324 Wal emphasised the use of Collections for efficient programming. He pointed out some of the ways in which the Java Collections Framework uses design patterns (wrappers, iterators, factory methods), but also some of the glaring Arrghghgs (the OO term seems to be Antipatterns) that there seem to be in the current design. Naturally we all nodded wisely and agreed that it is just terrible ... It's easy to criticise - can I do any better?

My initial thinking about this project made me realise that a major issue for Collections is contracts: Collections are for other programmers to use and so using and abiding by design by contract has to be just as important, if not more so, as conspicuous display of GoF-authorised design patterns.

Design Study



Initial Design


Description of Classes

Design Critique

Initial Design

Design Improvements



--Jenny Harlow 11:24, 9 August 2010 (UTC)