If it ain't broke don't fix it

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The concept that any working solution is a good solution. Mitigation of effort.


The concept is practically relevant when working under budget, workload and time constrains. It suggests efforts should be focused on completing the missing parts of a system - output further deliverables instead of altering already functioning code.

However, the idea should not be used as an excuse to circumvent refactoring poor designs. For example, if a module of critical importance is poorly designed, interfacing with it may force more bad code to be written, which in turn has the same effect on its own future extensions - a chain reaction.

The idea is short sighted if followed without question. For the long term, fixing working code now may well be worth the cost. From a purely OO standpoint the idea is bad. A practical compromise might be to apply Sweeping it under the rug pattern as suggested by Foote in Big ball of mud - cover up that which looks bad behind a usable interface.


Refactoring - the quality of code should constantly be improved.