Monsters design

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This design appeared in the 2004 exam.


Design notes

  • This is an incomplete framework of classes that track the behaviour of Monsters. More types of Monster are expected to be added later.
  • The DarkPlaces in which Monsters live and the Humans on which they prey are also modelled.
  • EtherealMonsters are bodiless; they can walk through walls.
  • CorporealMonsters have bodies; they can bite().
  • A Demon can exist only by possessing some other monster. It takes over control of the possessed Monster.
  • A Mimic pretends to be another CorporealMonster. Usually, it just forwards messages to the original monster, but it can vary behaviour if it wants to.
  • A Vampire can change its style between behaving like a person and behaving like a bat.
  • A Lycan is a Human turned into a hairy Monster. When its fullmoon() method is invoked, it tries to hunt a Human and bite() him/her. The bite() of a Lycan turns the victim into another Lycan of the same type.
  • Monsters lurk in DarkPlaces: UnderBeds, in Wardrobes and Dungeons. If a Dungeon is a Labyrinth, it can have other Dungeons inside it, but it cannot if it is a Cavern.
  • Monsters and Humans can use an Explorer subclass to look around inside DarkPlaces.
  • Constructors, getters and setters, and many methods have been omitted from the diagram. Make reasonable assumptions where necessary and state them.

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