Guitar Tutor Design

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Revision as of 09:31, 20 August 2008 by Jason Clutterbuck (Talk | contribs)
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Domain Design

The user loads a chord chart for the song they want to practice. Next the user presses the start button. After a short pause the program will count in two full bars then an indicator will start to scroll along the chart to mark progress in time with the tempo.

The user plays notes on the instrument. These notes and their duration are recorded on the chord chart . Notes are coloured one colour for correct and another for incorrect.

The chart is repeated X times or until the user presses the start button a second time.

The user can choose where to start the play from. The default will be the beginning or the last start point. Playback can only start from the beginning of a bar.

Chord charts can be of the form ABA, ABAC, ABB, etc. with repeats.

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