OOTetris Design

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During my Bachelor studies in Germany I had to implement a network based Tetris. It is possible to run the game with many players on different computers in a network. It runs quite smoothly although the design in general is quite messy. The Design we came up with was more or less guided by the our progress on programming different parts of the game. So we started out with the Server-Client Communication. After the basic communication was achieved we started implementing the tetris game itself with its graphical user interface and the gamestructure.

The Current Design


The current design consists out of 5 different packages as you can see in the UML-Diagram above:

  • The green package in the UML-Diagram is responsible for the Server-Client communication.
  • The pink package controls the game. Thats where the game intelligence is implemented.
  • The blue package is obviously the graphical user interface.
  • The red package contains the different stones of the tetris game.
  • The yellow package is a customized list which is used to the store the stones of every client.