Eliminate irrelevant classes

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Riel's heuristic #3.7: Eliminate irrelevant classes from your design.

An irrelevant class adds no meaningful behaviour to your system for the domain you are modeling. This can apply to subclasses that inherit from a base class but do not add any functionality, which ties in with Heuristic 5.7: Avoid concrete base classes. Irrelevant classes generally have no other methods except getters, setters, and print functions. Getters and setters are not defined as meaningful behaviour because they only deal with descriptive attributes, they do not define behaviour for the domain. An exception to the getters and setters rule are sensor and transducer classes. A transducer is a device that converts an input signal of one form into an output signal of another form. A meaningful behaviour of a sensor is to get, and a meaningful behaviour of a transducer is to set.

A typical way to eliminate such classes is to demote the class to an attribute of another class. You do not necessarily have to completely remove the information from the design.


Concrete base classes

Riel's Heuristic #5.7 Avoid concrete base classes can conflict with this heuristic. Imagine we have an application with a class called Toilet:

public class Toilet
   public Toilet {...}
   public void RaiseLid() {...}
   public void LowerLid() {...}
   public void Flush() {...}

Now, lets say we need to extend the Toilet class to model a Portaloo:

public class Portaloo : Toilet
   public Portaloo() : base() {...}
   public void TipOver() {...}

Here we have a problem: By allowing Portaloo to extend Toilet, we have broken Avoid concrete base classes. Thats easy to fix; we can make an abstract Toilet e.g. ToiletBase, and inherit behaviours from that:

public abstract class ToiletBase
   public void RaiseLid() {...}
   public void LowerLid() {...}
   public void Flush() {...}

Now our Toilet inherits all its behaviours from ToiletBase:

public class Toilet : ToiletBase
   public Toilet {...}

Portaloo extends the behaviours of ToiletBase:

public class Portaloo : ToiletBase
   public Portaloo() {...}
   public void TipOver() {...}

Unfortunately, by allowing Toilet to inherit all its behaviours from ToiletBase, we have created a degenerate or irrelevant class. We have, therefore, broken Eliminate irrelevant classes.

See also

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