Aidan's Design Study

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Revision as of 00:32, 27 July 2009 by Aidan Bebbington (Talk | contribs)
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Part of my honours project is to implement two interfaces for an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) for Thermodynamics (tentatively named Thermo-Tutor). The original interface basically aims to make input as efficient as possible, however in an ITS this shouldn't be the primary goal; ITSs are meant to teach something. The experimental interface takes some ideas from the field of cognitive science and sacrifices a certain amount of efficiency for improved learning (hopefully). From an OO design perspective the two interfaces are not drastically different, so I will only be looking at one interface. In my haste to get the interface working I invested very little effort in design. I'm sure that upon closer inspection I will find all sorts of stupid decisions.



Initial Design


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