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Revision as of 06:39, 25 September 2009 by AlexGee (Talk | contribs)
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My design study is on a C# application built for the 400 level secure software course. The application scans websites in a brute force manner trying to find common URL components. When a page or object is found it is saved. If the object is an HTML file then it is scanned and dependencies are downloaded onto the local file system. The HTML page is then transformed to link to these local entities. The program can save the state of objects into XML and restore them to their previous state when loaded.

UML Overview


UML goes here


To implement this several patterns are used:

  • Singleton - This pattern is in the ConnectionPool class. The Connection pool handles a global tally of connections to insure that we do not in inadvertently DoS a website.
  • Facade - The NetUtils class is a facade that simplifies the process of dealing with HTTP connections.
  • Strategy - The ObjectHandler and all it's subclasses act as a Strategy for dealing with files that are discovered.

Major Classes


This class contains static methods that are common across several classes. These methods are a façade abstracting the System.IO and System.Net libraries to an interface that is specific to HTTP get operations.

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