Blackboard System
A blackboard architectural system is a system where the "blackboard" (a common knowledge base) is iteratively updated by a diverse group of specialist knowledge sources. In this way, the Blackboard Architecture uses several specialized subsystems assemble their knowledge to build a possibly partial or approximate solution.
Each program is specialized for solving a particular part of the overall task, and all programs work together on the solution. These specialized programs are independent of each other. They do not call each other, and there is no predetermined sequence for their activation. A central control component evaluates the current state of processing and coordinates the specialized programs.
Has been used in these systems:
- HEARSAY-II - Speech recognition system
- CRYSALIS - X-ray diffraction data
- TRICERO - Monitor aircraft activities
- SUS - Software Understand System
Many of these problems involve a large amount of artificial intelligence problems, as the Blackboard architecture is suited towards this problem domain.