OO tools

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This page describes the software engineer's arsenal. It is not intended to go into detail as to what these encompass; however, it will allow suitable tools to be proposed.



A potentially appropriate use case diagram.

Round Trip Systems

  • Together - Part of Borland's Eclipse implementation. Not well maintained, but still one of the best available round trip UML systems.
  • GreenUML - An eclipse plug in. A passable system for class diagrams, does not scale well. Produces some unexpected behaviour. Additionally SeriouslyGreen a GreenUML extension with automated SVG export and themes. Produced last year as a software project at UC.
  • Netbeans UML - This is a nice plugin for Netbeans that allows you to do reverse engineering (i.e. go from Java code to UML) and I think can also be used for round trip. The layout it generates isn't too nicely laid out by default but can be changed quite easily.
  • Visual Paradigm for UML Community Edition (VP-UML CE) - A very nice and well documented and supported UML tool. Include features like reverse engineering, import & export options and comes in stand alone community edition as well as Visual Studio or Eclipse plugins. The Eclipse plugin supports Java round-trip engineering. Supports Windows, OSX, Linux, & Unix.

Static Systems

  • Umbrello - A decent static system. Can generate most standard UML diagrams. Can import java classes one folder (i.e. package) at a time. Good at printing/exporting large diagrams. Linux ap, currently being ported to Windows & Mac.
  • Magic Draw - Comprehensive free UML tool written in Java. Community Edition can be found here (registration needed). Version 16.5 seems to be quite buggy and is very slow.
  • ArgoUML - Free open source Java application. Runs much faster than Magic Draw.
  • UMLet - Simple design with minimal features but easy and quick to use.
  • BOUML - Open Source and cross platform. Can reverse engineer C++, Java and Php code.



Text Editors

Further Visualisation/Comprehension Tools

See Also