Barbara Liskov

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Barbara Liskov

Barbara Liskov (born 1939) is a computer scientist. In 2004 she as awarded the John von Newmann Medal for her contributions to programming languages and methodology, and distributed systems. In 2008 she won the ACM Turing Award "for her foundational innovations to designing and building the pervasive computer designs that power daily life" [1], including her work using data abstractions to organise systems.

Liskov has made substantial contributions to the development of object-oriented programming through her work on abstract data types (which lead to the development in the early 1970s of a programming language CLU [2]).

She is best known in the object-oriented world however for her formalisation (with Jeanette Wing) of the Liskov Substitution Principle [3] for type hierarchies and the requirements constraining the behaviour of a subtype in relation to its supertype.

Liskov on design

"It's incredibly exciting to be thinking about a problem and suddenly see a way to solve it that you had not thought of before, and that makes a lot of other problems go away" [4]


  1. ^Liskov wins Turing Award (2009). Communications of the ACM, 52(5), p. 21.
  2. ^Hoffman, L. (2009). Q&A: Liskov on Liskov. Communications of the ACM, 52(7), pp. 119-120.
  3. ^Liskov, B., and Wing, J. (1999) Behavioral Subtyping using Invariants and Constraints, Carnegie-Mellon University Technical Report CMU-CS-99-156.
  4. ^Frenkel, K. (2009) Liskov's Creative Joy, Communications of the ACM, 52(7), pp. 20-22.

See also

Liskov Substitution Principle

External links

Wikipedia on Barbara Liskov]