User:Warwick Irwin

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Warwick "Wal" Irwin teaches (sort of...) COSC427. See About COSC427.

Wal meets Paris Hilton

Where's Wally

  • Figured out some other things about Greece:
    1. Smoking is mandatory for everybody over 7 years old.
    2. Footpaths are for parking motorbikes on.
    3. Some of the buildings are copies of Oamaru banks, but they fell down.
    4. They say "nay" when they really mean yes.
    5. "Greek salad" is a bowl of olive oil with a few leaves floating in it.
    6. The "bar scam" the Lonely Planet warns about is real.
  • Made it to Athens. (It took about 40hrs in planes & airports.) I already figured out why Greek civilisation fell: when they try to write, they keep getting maths mixed up in it. Sigmas & deltas & stuff are what makes maths so hard, so they can hardly understand anything they write. Sheesh. --Wal 14:59, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Survived 14 hr flight from Sydney surrounded by screaming babies and screaming Australians. Made it to Dubai at 4am local time -- already 36 degrees outside. --Wal 02:31, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Stuck in Chch airport. Flight delayed by 3 hours... great start! --Wal 05:01, 17 July 2010 (UTC)