OO gurus
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These people are considered the gurus of OO design. We believe that they have had the greatest influence in the development and advancement of this field. It is also interesting to note that many of these individuals have collaborated with each other on varied projects in a variety of locations (e.g. Ward's wiki and the Hillside Group). They also tend to be the authors of the seminal texts and papers in the field, see Resources for further information.
- Ward Cunningham
- Kent Beck
- Erich Gamma
- Alan Kay
- Ralph Johnson
- Martin Fowler
- Bob Martin a.k.a. Uncle Bob
- Arthur Riel
- Trygve Reenskaug
- Jim Coplien
- Peter Coad
- Adele Goldberg
- Grady Booch
- Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
- Bertrand Meyer
- Ken Auer
- Hal Hildebrand
- Joshua Bloch
Other influential people
While these people can't be considered OO gurus, they have been indirectly very influential.