File list

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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

File list
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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
00:49, 1 October 2010JohnHofmanStudyClient1.0.gif (file)112 KBJohn Hofman 3
00:12, 1 October (file)60 KBJohn Hofman (The source code for my design study. )1
22:44, 30 September 2010JohnHofmanStudyClient2.1.gif (file)127 KBJohn Hofman (Reviewed design for design study.)1
01:58, 20 July 2010BridgeExampleShape.gif (file)27 KBJohn Hofman 2
23:40, 19 July 2010StrategyExampleTax.gif (file)19 KBJohn Hofman (An example of the strategy pattern applied to a tax calculating program.)2
02:42, 18 July 2010FroggyVisitor.gif (file)33 KBJohn Hofman (UML for a visitor pattern applied to the froggy visitor exercise including an XmlExporterVisitor.)1
02:38, 18 July 2010FroggyExporter.gif (file)19 KBJohn Hofman (UML for Lukas' suggested solution to the froggy visitor exercise.)1
09:56, 15 July 2010Frog export exercise.gif (file)2 KBJohn Hofman (The frog class from the Frogs design example that is the focus of the froggy visitor exercise.)1

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