Design maxims
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Object oriented design maxims
maxim:: (noun) A general truth or rule of conduct expressed in a sentence.
Lets use the term maxim to mean all the rules, laws, guidelines, principles, heuristics, strategies, patterns and idioms that are named by a standard phrase.
- Acyclic dependencies principle
- Avoid downcasting
- Avoid equals
- Avoid inheritance for implementation
- Avoid side effects
- Behavioral completeness
- Big design up front
- Command query separation
- Common closure principle
- Common reuse principle
- Coupling and cohesion
- Dependency inversion principle
- Design by contract
- Don't burn your base class
- Don't expose mutable attributes
- Don't repeat yourself
- Do the simplest thing that could possibly work
- Encapsulate that which varies
- Encapsulation is hierarchical
- Encapsulation boundary
- Fat interfaces
- Favor composition over inheritance
- Getters and setters
- Goto considered harmful
- Hide your decisions
- Impedance mismatch
- Information hiding
- Interface segregation principle
- Keep accessors and mutators separate
- Keep it simple
- Law of demeter
- Liskov substitution principle
- Model the real world
- Named constants
- No concrete base classes
- No silver bullet
- One responsibility rule
- Open closed principle
- Once and only once
- Premature optimization
- Program to the interface not the implementation
- Reuse release equivalence principle
- Single responsibility principle
- Separation of concerns
- Single choice principle
- Software crisis
- Software reuse
- Stable abstractions principle
- Stable dependencies principle
- Tell, Don't Ask
- You ain't gonna need it
Clumps of maxims
* JohnsonAndFootesHeuristics: * RecursionIntroduction. * EliminateCaseAnalysis. * ReduceTheNumberOfArguments. * ReduceTheSizeOfMethods. * ClassHierarchiesShouldBeDeepAndNarrow. * TheTopOfTheClassHierarchyShouldBeAbstract. * MinimizeAccessesToVariables. * SubclassesShouldBeSpecializations. * SplitLargeClasses. * FactorImplementationDifferencesIntoSubcomponents. * SeparateMethodsThatDoNotCommunicate. * SendMessagesToComponentsInsteadOfToSelf. * ReduceImplicitParameterPassing * RielsHeuristics: * BobMartinsPrinciples: * (SRP) The SingleResponsibilityPrinciple * (OCP) The OpenClosedPrinciple * (LSP) The LiskovSubstitutionPrinciple * (DIP) The DependencyInversionPrinciple * (ISP) The InterfaceSegregationPrinciple * (REP) The ReuseReleaseEquivalencePrinciple * (CCP) The CommonClosurePrinciple * (CRP) The CommonReusePrinciple * (ADP) The AcyclicDependenciesPrinciple * (SDP) The StableDependenciesPrinciple * (SAP) The StableAbstractionsPrinciple * KenAuer1995: * DefineClassesByBehaviorNotStatePattern. * ImplementBehaviorWithAbstractStatePattern. * IdentifyMessageLayersPattern. * DeferIdentificationOfStateVariablesPattern. * EncapsulateConcreteStatePattern. * UseLazyInitializationPattern. * DefineDefaultValuesViaExplicitProtocolPattern. * AlanDavis1995: * CodeSmells