User:Paul Clark/Log

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  • Find a pattern to represent the three proposed classes so far & confirm that composite isn't right


07:00 - 1:25, 23 July 2010 Playing with mediawiki, damn templates are confusing. Managed to get abbreviation tooltips going but only by using a <span title="Real Life" style="border-bottom:1px dotted">RL</span>. Bit of a time-waster. Sarted to define some of the base classes I will be using; Task, Person, Network. Need to find a pattern for these two, don't think composite will do it, but I need to confirm that.

15:00 - 17:01, 22 July 2010 Wrote up Paul Clark's Design Study Lot of ideas, not much implementation. - Remember to concentrate on the basic classes - encapsulating the calender and schedular. Make it easy to order the the tasks chronilogically or by priority (or just design to the interface) (3 hrs)

xx:xx, 21 July 2010 Thought of a new idea (yay) after designing an implementation for my music tagger and finding that is was not sufficiently complex to get any respect from anyone in this course (3.5 hrs, some while working too)

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