Design maxims

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Object oriented design maxims

maxim:: (noun) A general truth or rule of conduct expressed in a sentence.

Lets use the term maxim to mean all the rules, laws, guidelines, principles, heuristics, strategies, patterns and idioms that are named by a standard phrase.


* AcyclicDependenciesPrinciple
* AvoidDowncasting
* AvoidEquals
* AvoidInheritanceForImplementation
* AvoidSideEffects
* BehavioralCompleteness
* BigDesignUpFront
* CommandQuerySeparation
* CommonClosurePrinciple
* CommonReusePrinciple
* CouplingAndCohesion
* DependencyInversionPrinciple
* DesignByContract
* DontBurnYourBaseClass
* DontExposeMutableAttributes
* DontRepeatYourself
* DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork
* EncapsulateThatWhichVaries
* EncapsulationIsHierarchical
* FatInterfaces
* FavorCompositionOverInheritance
* GettersAndSetters
* GotoConsideredHarmful
* HideYourDecisions
* ImpedanceMismatch
* InformationHiding
* InterfaceSegregationPrinciple
* KeepAccessorsAndMutatorsSeparate
* KeepItSimple
* LawOfDemeter
* LiskovSubstitutionPrinciple
* ModelTheRealWorld
* NamedConstants
* NoConcreteBaseClasses
* NoSilverBullet
* OneResponsibilityRule
* OpenClosedPrinciple
* OnceAndOnlyOnce
* PrematureOptimization
* ProgramToTheInterfaceNotTheImplementation
* ReuseReleaseEquivalencePrinciple
* SingleResponsibilityPrinciple
* SeparationOfConcerns
* SingleChoicePrinciple
* SoftwareCrisis
* SoftwareReuse
* StableAbstractionsPrinciple
* StableDependenciesPrinciple
* TellDontAsk
* YouAintGonnaNeedIt

Clumps of maxims

* JohnsonAndFootesHeuristics:
 * RecursionIntroduction.
 * EliminateCaseAnalysis.
 * ReduceTheNumberOfArguments.
 * ReduceTheSizeOfMethods.
 * ClassHierarchiesShouldBeDeepAndNarrow.
 * TheTopOfTheClassHierarchyShouldBeAbstract.
 * MinimizeAccessesToVariables.
 * SubclassesShouldBeSpecializations.
 * SplitLargeClasses.
 * FactorImplementationDifferencesIntoSubcomponents.
 * SeparateMethodsThatDoNotCommunicate.
 * SendMessagesToComponentsInsteadOfToSelf.
 * ReduceImplicitParameterPassing
* RielsHeuristics:
* BobMartinsPrinciples:
 * (SRP) The SingleResponsibilityPrinciple
 * (OCP) The OpenClosedPrinciple
 * (LSP) The LiskovSubstitutionPrinciple
 * (DIP) The DependencyInversionPrinciple
 * (ISP) The InterfaceSegregationPrinciple
 * (REP) The ReuseReleaseEquivalencePrinciple
 * (CCP) The CommonClosurePrinciple
 * (CRP) The CommonReusePrinciple
 * (ADP) The AcyclicDependenciesPrinciple
 * (SDP) The StableDependenciesPrinciple
 * (SAP) The StableAbstractionsPrinciple
* KenAuer1995:
 * DefineClassesByBehaviorNotStatePattern. 
 * ImplementBehaviorWithAbstractStatePattern. 
 * IdentifyMessageLayersPattern. 
 * DeferIdentificationOfStateVariablesPattern. 
 * EncapsulateConcreteStatePattern. 
 * UseLazyInitializationPattern. 
 * DefineDefaultValuesViaExplicitProtocolPattern.
* AlanDavis1995:
* CodeSmells
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