User:Paul Clark/Design Study

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Abstracted Motivation: A Points Oriented ToDo List & Scheduler

The project name is still being worked on.

Also, the page as it is now was written hastily and the sentence/paragraph structure isn't written to aid readability, this will be remedied shortly

My Log


Some people (e.g. this author) are lazy, they don't do the things which would be most beneficial to them at all times[1]. One possible solution to this problem of motivation is to mandate that rationality [2] and behavioral psychology be taught in schools, but even if you know are well versed in those fields, applying the concepts can be hard[3]. So sometimes (in my opinion) it is more efficient to manipulate people to do what is best. Or even to manipulate oneself to do what is probably best. This concept can be expanded to allow systems to be put in place which will ensure that the best option is more likely to be taken in any anticipated situation.

When looking to motivate people to do 'as they should be doing' one place which we can take inspiration from is games. The most successful games are those in which people are compelled to invest lots of time (and to do this, the games must be efficient at motivating people). Some of the aspects which make gaming so compelling may include: 1) Seeing the quantified benefit of a task completed (experience points, stats increases, leveling up), 2) working toward a definable goal (as opposed to a vague goal like 'achieve success'), 3) working toward an achievable goal (just 10,000 more exp points), and a biggie - 4) being able to see all the people you are better than, or the people who were better than you, but now are not.

So this program is all about augmenting RL with some of the things that motivate people to play games so often and with so much commitment. I am aware that this sounds like a rather broad goal, but hopefully the proposed OO nature of the design will make achieving this goal a matter of many small incremental additions beyond the scope of this project. Some people think that doing the work of ranking the relative value of a task and entering it into a PC program before even starting it will not motivate people. I think that once you make ranking tasks a habit – and if the quantified results of your decisions are highly visible – then you can become quite motivated, especially if you start out just ranking trivial tasks until you get some points built up in the system (i.e. make an investment in the virtual world).

==Current Design


overall overview pointing out groups of modules into different responsibilities/domains


Initially I wanted to make a simple ToDo list. So made a Network class, a Person class, and a Task class--trying to keep it simple. For a while I was stuck on these few classes shuffling them around trying to make something pretty. So to try and further my design I just started implementing some logic in a 'CLI' class. The goal was to get a workable ToDo application so that I could find out what was missing. The first thing I found to be missing was persistence. So I implemented Java's 'serialization' interface. Eventually this will have to be changed to a more flexible method of storing interesting fields. The next major thing to add was scheduling capabilities for recurring tasks. The first go at this was way to general. I tried to specify a very flexible syntax for declaring repeating patterns and that ended up having way too many edge cases and some features which were just plain absent (such as specifying an end to a repeating pattern). I decided to re-implement this using the interpreter pattern. More on this later...

===Specific Features/Design Decisions


Some of Martin Fowler's temporal patterns used to create the scheduling subsystem
Some of Martin Fowler's temporal patterns used to create the scheduling subsystem

What you did, what you were going to do, searching for DateRanges, found Fowler, found chronicJ For first attempt at implementing a scheduling system I saved a string specifying the base date and time of the event and extra arguments to specify the recurrence rules. I then generated a list of dates from that stored string when the task schedule was requested. This approach worked, the recurrence rule specification language was very flexible but that caused lots of edge cases while parsing it. Also, the parsing function was large and messy. So I figured I could implement the interpreter pattern. While I was looking around for a better way to handle dates in Java I found some patterns specified by Martin Fowler to deal with dates. More specifically, arbitrary precision time points, Ranges (of time), and recurring events for calendars). These look interesting and like they could be used, albeit with a little work, especially his recurring event language. I also found an implementation of the ideas discussed in Fowler's 'Recurring Events for Calendars' PLoS submission. This doesn't extend the functionality discussed in the paper though, so still some work needed. I have started to integrate this implementation into my design ChronicJ and as it stands now everything works, with less functionality than before started using ChronicJ code. I believe this is due to the fact that the project has been effectively dead since early 2004, I plan to modify this project by ripping out the Schedul classes and adding TemporalExpressions to be more inline with runt for Ruby. Runt implements exactly the same ideas introduced in Fowler's paper but has been used a little more recently.

In summary my initial attempt at scheduling ended up being inelegant, and the replacement is currently incomplete an a little unwieldy. Taking into account the basic ideas of Fowler's paper (rather than the examples provided in it) should enable me to create a much more usable set-based date-recurrence framework, given a little free time.


The state pattern used to generate an interactive CLI menu
The state pattern used to generate an interactive CLI menu

I haven't had to write a GUI yet in my time at Uni (except for web based), and I had no extension of starting in my final year. Writing an interactive CLI app in java poses its own challenges though. After spending some time adding new methods to the CLI class, I got rather sick of modifying the menu which was printed out to the user (and the switch statement) to keep in-line with the new methods. So I implemented a system to dynamically generate a CLI menu base on method annotations and Java's reflection framework. Methods are designated as occuring in the CLI menu by annotating them with a custom annotation:

  public @interface CLIMenu {
    public String menuText();
    public String menuID();
    public int weighting() default 50;

The menuText field is that which is printed to the console, the menuID specifies which menu this option should appear on, the weighting can modify the default ordering of the printed out list. There can be multiple sub-menus. Although I am keeping it at just one layer deep at the moment. The menus are formed using Java's reflection framework. All public methods of the CLI class are examined for annotations with a menuID that contains the name of the current menu (eg, menuID='Main Task' will appear in the menus named 'Main' and 'Task'). The examining of the annotations of the methods is done in the Menu class, whenever a menu class is constructed it is passed the name of the menu, and all of the public methods of the creator class (CLI in all cases). Then menu.parseArg() is called repeatedly in the CLI class, and a pointer to the chosen method is returned for invocation.

This method of generating menus does cause some issues. I would rather be able to group menu items relating to similar tasks together, but at the moment menu items are sorted first by the weighting specified in the annotation, and then by the natural ordering of the text in menuText. Other than that, it is a relatively lightweight and flexible way of describing a interactive CLI.

The other option with regard to the state pattern is to implement it as recommended by the GoF. This could be achieved by moving the methods which are designated for particular methods to the relevant implementation of the 'Menu' interface. But in this particular application, there are methods which are common across multiple menus.

Planned Features (including Future Work)

(Higher Level) There will be multiple views of the same basic scheduler/ToDo system i.e.
Classic (outlook) style view of calender with views of upcoming tasks sorted by priority or chronologically.
Avatar + stats + task lists as above (more in the style of epicWinApp
An XMPP extension so that you can use your points to get social status and give you even more motivation.

(Lower Level) A reg-exp-y based scheduler e.g.
This event occurs at 10/03/2010 0700 hrs + i*7 days (so it repeats at the same time every week). Java's calender class should be able to handle months with weird numbers of days &c.
(Lower Level) Tasks whose points increase or decrease over time e.g.
This task is worth 120 + 50*(%theDeadline%-(today + 1 day)) points. i.e. you get 170 points if you complete the task tomorrow, 120 if you complete it on the deadline, and the points rewarded decreases linearly with time, maybe you would even get less than 120 if you completed it after the deadline. Although when it got down into negative territory it would never get completed, so maybe there would have to be a automatically applied penalty to whomever the task was assigned to after the deadline has passed.

(Lower Level) Tasks can be completed by multiple people.
This task is worth 3 payouts of 60 points.
So it is essentially a multi (3) stage task and each stage can be completed by different people (or the same person could complete all three stages)
This is kind of the same as the x% done in classic scheduling apps. It also makes the execute() method an oversimplification. Or does it? If you want to fully finish a three stage task you can call execute() three times.

Points to keep in mind:

  • Different people are motivated by different things (thanks Simon)
  • Could sync stats and tasks with other platforms like phones, fb &c. to enhance the social re-enforcement aspect
  • When someone procrastinates they can choose to do a task because it seems like the most important thing to do now, when in-fact, the person doesn't actually qualitatively compare one potential task with another[4]. Indeed comparing apples with oranges is rather hard. Forcing someone to assign a worth (exp. points) to a task when it is first proposed means that the person has moved from comparing apples and oranges to comparing exp. points with exp. points, and if a points system manages to encapsulate the value of a task, then it is an unarguable that if one task has more points than another, it is more important.
  • Got any more ideas?
  • Need user and network profile pages

Current State

This section should be updated around once a week. More detailed development happens on my Whiteboard

Implemented a basic Person oriented CLI program. Only data storage at the moment is using Java serialisation, so of course data wont persist very long during development. Lots of logic currently lives in a CLI class, this probably needs to be pushed out somewhere soon. Also possibly need to implement a more Network oriented interface. Currently tasks can only be assigned to the creator and are also stored in a Network of which the creator is a member.

So, what I have so far is this: People will have tasks assigned to them (the items on the ToDo list). The people will be in a 'network' so that if say someone makes a task 'Wash the dishes' worth 40 points, and allows anyone to claim the task (so that they can complete it and get the points), but doesn't assign it to anyone initially, the task can be available to anyone within the network (i.e. all flatmates). I have had a couple of ideas of how to structure it (see my whiteboard, but I will just implement it the simplest way I can and see what tensions evolve between the different relationships.

The current state of my design
The current state of my design

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