Project ideas

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This page is intended to help people choose a good topic for their OOD assignment. Before committing to a topic, talk to User:Warwick Irwin about its suitability.



As far as possible, choose a topic that:-

  • You're already involved with for another course, research project or work. You're more familiar with the requirements & design issues, and you get a double payoff.
  • You're interested in.
  • Is hard to design, e.g. because conflicting forces are involved.
  • Is not too broad, or has a smaller component you can concentrate on.

Some topic ideas

Topic Description
324 project Take your old 324 project and improve (part of) the design.
427 project Take an old 427 project and improve the design.
Better Java collections Improve the Java collections hierarchy, e.g. by adding `Bag`, `MultiMap`, etc.
Animation framework Design a set of classes to help programmers build custom 2D animations.
Wire-frame models Design a system to make wire-frame models of things like human faces. Allow them to be rotated, distorted, etc.
122 demo software Design software to demonstrate to students how a range of data structures and algorithms work.
Automatic GUI generation Devise a system to automatically make a user interface for domain objects. (See `BlueJ` & "naked objects".

Claimed topics

Student Topic Description
Luke's project Network Data Visualization My Honors project
Lukas's project File Duplicate Finder Random tool I wrote for myself in C years ago.
Paul's project Abstracted Motivation A points oriented ToDo List and Scheduler.
Darryl's project .Net Logging Framework A .Net based logging framework to allow logging to any destination.
Joey Scarr Blur My HCI honours project.
James' Project Pseudobreakpoint System The data capture subsystem for my Honours project.
Josh's Project Animation App Simple humanoid animation system (perhaps with inverse kinematics).
Martin's project 325 Reporting Interface The report generating interface for my old 325 project.
John Hofman Instant Messenger An instant messenger system for my ENEL428 concurrency assignment.
Nick's Project Ray Tracer The first Cosc363 assignment, a Ray Tracer.
Jenny's Project Java Collections Extend/improve Collections framework.
Tanmay's Project Digital Logic Simulator Java Based event-driven simulator for Digital Logic Circuits.
Marina Filipovic Warfarin predictor A web based decision support for dose prediction of Warfarin.
Nelson's Project Trojan A controller and remote module trojan system, as part of the 429 project.
Ben's Project Mobile game A simple game designed for mobile phones that support Java ME, as part of the 416 project.
Filip's Project Server Request A group of server request classes for a piece of software I am working on.
Michael Price Virus Simulator A very basic simulator of a Virus attacking Red/White Blood Cells.
Oliver's Project Inverse Kinematics Plotter Part of my Honours project that I use to measure the behavior of various IK algorithms.
Mujtaba Alshakhouri Java Ephemerides API (JEA) A project to design a java API library that provides ephemeris info of celestial bodies.
Scott's Project Out of band Sync A system for synchronising files between data stores, when there is insufficient direct bandwidth for transferring the data.

Example projects

Student Topic Description
Greg Searle's project blackjack Blackjack statistical simulator Design a blackjack game that will analyse many peoples playing styles
Nick Brettel's eight puzzle design HCI experiment on collaboration Design a program that will run an experiment to test the effects of collabotation during problem solving

See also

Personal tools